Here are a few easy steps to make a graphic overlay using
Pic monkey:
1. You can find the site here: http://www.picmonkey.com/
2. Create an account...once you have signed in click on Edit photo. Also, you don't have to create an account to use the basic options here. I did this without an account.
3. Once you have opened your photo, look to the left under Basic Edits and click on the Butterfly icon which will pull up all of the overlays. You can choose "Your Own" to upload from your computer as I did, or use Pic monkeys examples. It even offers shapes to layer on top of it.
4. Once you have done this a box will appear and you will be able to pick your overlay colors and transparency of the image.
5. Once you are satisfied with your photo click save. You have now saved your Masterpiece!
Here is my "collage" of the photos I completed in my Savannah workshop. Here is the simple way to go to PicMonkey and select "create a collage". You can use one of their designs or you can design your own. Then you can drag your uploaded photos in to the collage until you are done. (When you drag them, you can see where to place the photos as you move them around.)
It's a fun tool to use. You can change the width and color of the grid lines between the photos and then save the completed collage as a jpeg on your computer. Post your collages any social media, it is easy to post to Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ and more! Create a collage to show off your pictures you created and please leave me a comment or link and let me know your experience!
xx, Lana
Happy Creating!