November is here already and it will be gone before we even notice it. In the midst of this busy time of everyone's life, I would like to say THANK YOU for:
( Which is always a perfect reminder that we aren't in control .... some days are sunny and bright, and some are rainy and windy......so let's be a very grateful for what is given us everyday!)
(I'm so thankful for all of my new friends here. I learned a lot and I grew a lot with you. Thank you for being here for me when I have a stumble, and looking for help with my online enterprise. Thank you for motivating me moving forward and taking time to read my blog and leave your comments :) You are a bunch of creative, determined, and talented "followers".... and I'm thankful!)
woops....."old" friends, FAMILY, and loved ones ...please forgive me... you will get my "thank you" note personally!
Forever thankful for all my new "art lovers" and collectors who are totally awesome and help to keep me moving forward and push me to stay creative and excited about my craft. Love you all and hope to share with you my art for many, many years!
I think this list can go on and on ...but for now I'm busy with custom work, packing and shipping my sold orders, and generally busy with the creative process!
Stay tuned for more updates and Please leave me a comment and or like me on facebook, adding me to your favorites store on etsy, follow me here and on pinterest.... well you got the idea :)