There's something about summer that causes you to pause. Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's that the screen porch is open for business...but I've been taking a little time for myself this past week to celebrate fourth of July with family. I'll be traveling to the west coast in the middle of July to spend even more time with family and friends. I've decided that July needs to be a little slower paced for me as I catch my breath from an amazing first half of the year. I'm going to do new collection and expand my studio (it is time:). My wonderful husband has agreed to part with his beautiful billiard table so that I can have a new, huge art studio! I have commissions to finish and a workshop to prepare for, but I'll also be drinking green tea with lemon and enjoying some new respite. During this year I followed so many talented ladies from different parts of the world and they shared so many of their delicious creations ... so I decided this is time to try my favorites from them! From Germany by Duni:
I want to thank all of you who have supported my art, my humble writing here and most of all my life. I'm doing good....more than good..... I'm in the happiest place in my life: doing what I love and loving what I'm doing!
I'm celebrating my second year of selling on Etsy this month and I offer a little gift for you to enjoy. Summer Sale at LanasArt - grab a bundle of prints or originals and use coupon code "ART2014" for your 10 % off your entire order! Here's a piece I created a few weeks back but seems appropriate for view now from my "Tulip-mania" series 18" x 36" and available in my Gallery on Saatchi Art now.
Tulip-Mania by Lana Moes
Take time to enjoy your summer! And if you are from the Santa Barbara, CA area please let me know what is your favorite place or thing to do there..... I have a few ideas for my upcoming trip, but I need more:)