Hello lovelies! I'm going to keep this sweet and short, because I'm swamped with many custom orders, sales, packing, ordering new supplies, and freelance work. Also, I'm very excited about my new collection that I can't wait to reveal! Here are some photos from my California trip to inspire you for your next vacation perhaps:)
1. Malibu, CA - peaceful view and delicious seafood.
Chardonnay from local winery delicious |
oysters at Malibu pier |
view from Malibu pier |
Old Mission at Santa Barbara, CA |
2. Santa Barbara, CA- Getting away this fall season? I would love to return to Santa Barbara one more time.... the lovely weather, art, wine, spanish architecture are endless sources of inspiration. I visited the local Santa Barbara Museum and was happy surprised by lovely contemporary collection of Mark Chagall, but unfortunately that the only on room you not allow to take photos)
What is your dream destination? I would love to travel to Europe with this nice blouse (map of Paris) I and my friend found them in Anthropology... I see myself strolling through the airport and heading to Europe.... love that idea:)
A girl should dream ... right?
And last but not least, here is a new watercolor illustration I completed last week inspired by my summer trips. More in my
store this week. So, go ahead and dream of your next vacation and make it happen! My bags are always packed and ready to go!
with love,